Dropping Lubs!

Monday, August 1, 2011

No Change and Total exposure!

Hey there! No change this week. I guess that is better than an upward change, but I definitely have not been "perfect" in my choices this week either. Nothing terrible, but there were 2 nights (one of which was tonight) that I ate after 7pm and for me that just needs to be the absolute non negotiable. Also, I only ran 2 times last week. I did manage to stay away from any added salt, so that was an accomplishment!!! :)
I am anxious to get my next blood test to see where my levels are with my hypothyroidism! I've had some "symptoms" this week, like feeling cold, and considering it has been in the upper 90's this past week...that is not normal! With approval of my doctor, I'd like to complete another smoothie, raw or fresh juice cleanse. I felt so amazing after I did the first one and it proved to have remarkable results, that were not just loss of water weight or I would have gained it all back by now!!!
One thought for the day...just because you make one bad eating choice, that doesn't mean the rest of the day needs to go down the tubes! In other words, you succumbed to a chocolate chip cookie, a big bowl of ice cream, a bag of chips or even a lack of eating, you can still eat well for the reminder of the day!!! I promise you will feel much better if you say, oops that was one little blip and move on, than if you binge for the rest of the day. Trust me, I've been there! I was there TONIGHT! It all started with not eating a complete enough meal for breakfast, so the remainder of the day I have felt "deprived"...almost like I needed to catch up on the calories that I missed. So, I ate a good dinner...homemade cashew stir-fry and organic texmati brown rice, finished off by some homemade sorbet. That is where I should have quit, but then over the next 3 hours I had some (probably 1/4 cup) dark chocolate covered edamame, then a handful of organic mini cheese crackers, then 1 light string cheese stick, 1 small tomato, 5 pretzels, 1 marshmallow and 1 bowl of cheerios with strawberries/blueberries and skim milk! Holy Crap! That is embarrassing to write! Trust me I didn't think about writing it as I was eating it! Yeesh! Really, that is just gross! Well, I can tell you that if I have to write another episode like that down again it most certainly won't happen...and since that is the purpose of my blog (to hold me accountable) I am going to remember how yucky it made me feel to type this all for the world  (or whoever reads this blog) to see! Totally disgusted with myself! The good news is the other night that I ate late (Friday night), I only ate an egg with cheese, 1 tomato and 1 piece of toast!  Since being diagnosed with hypothyroid 5 weeks ago, I had only had one glass of wine, until Friday night when I had 3, over several hours...but they definitely affected me! So, when we walked back home, I felt like eating something would be wise! It was wise, but what I learned that evening was that if I want to lose this weight badly enough...I can't drink anything at all, because all it will make me do is eat more than I should!
So, that was my week!
Here is to a better week and new goals!
1. Exercise  4 days this week (run-Tues/Thurs & strength training Wed/Fri)
2. Absolutely NO eating after dinner (ie. nothing after 7, except water)
3. Out of my daily 3 meals and 1 or 2 snacks, make sure at least 51% of my intake comes from raw fruits and veggies)

Feel free to check in and hold me accountable!
Are you working on anything new this week, whether your diet or life in general? I'd love to know and help if I can!

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