Dropping Lubs!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

ahhhh so excited...150's here I come!


Too bad you can't see me jumping around in this picture, but I am just thrilled beyond belief! It has been far too long since I've seen the 150's and I couldn't be happier to even be on the highest end!
It's working! All my effort is paying off! I've been exercising at least 3 times per week. I've been eating at least 51% (a little more than half) raw fruits and vegetables each day. I've been starting myself off each day with a healthy meal (a green smoothie or homemade granola with fat free plain greek yogurt and strawberries or 2 scrambled eggs with a slice of whole wheat toast and fruit)...then lunch is something like a can of tuna with 1 T light mayo and an apple cubed up (all mixed together) or black beans with cheese and a medium sized salad and dinner has been something simple 1 protein (4-6 oz), 2 veggies, 1 unrefined carb (like a baked potato or quinoa etc.) and 1 fruit (as "dessert")! Then when I have a snack, I am choosing something unprocessed, like a handful of almonds, some celery with homemade peanut butter, 1 small salad, a plate of tomatoes and avocado...etc. For me, much of the key to this process has been KEEPING IT SIMPLE! My birthday is September 20th and I am hoping to see 155 by that date! I know that is kind of a lofty goal, as I have been on the 1 pound per week track, but I am going to work out hard, stay consistent with my eating and pray! :)
By the way, sorry for the delay in posting, but I just started on the 18th homeschooling my daughter for the first time! It has been great, but certainly has kept me busy! Now I think we are getting into our groove! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hooray! Such a good feeling to SEE the hardwork in action that you are putting forth. I will pray that the homeschooling and exercising and eating well will all stay in balance for you. Keep up your hard work! I want a new blog post...I should talk right? :o) Running and eating well. Just haven't been on the scale since there hadn't been a budge a few weeks ago. I am trying not to get down. But I feel good!
